Friday, 7 March 2014

Welcome Izabella to Imperial Haze Lab

Izabella, new PhD student
Last week was the first day of Izabella Vermesi at Imperial College London as my new PhD student. She joins the Imperial Haze Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Izabella is a Civil Engineer from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Rumania, since 2011. She then obtained an MSc degree from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2013. At DTU, Izabella worked on multiscale modeling of tunnel fires and assisted in the teaching of Building Fire Safety course.

Note: Izabella has her own blog now, visit

The preliminary title of her thesis is "Computational Pyrolysis and Ignition under Transient Radiation", and is funded by FM Global USA.

She is to conduct a computational study of pyrolysis on a range of solid fuels when subjected to a radiant source whose power is transient, a long pulse, as opposed to the constant power typical assumed in ignition theory. This scenario, rarely studied in fire science, is related to flame spread, secondary ignition, travelling fires in compartments, and wildfires. The framework of study will be such that work goes from simple to more complex models and fuels and that the computational complexity is added only when actual results justify it.