Thursday, 12 December 2019

PhD Studentship in timber and fire at Imperial College London

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in the field of fire science and artificial intelligence funded by EPSRC and Arup.
The objective of the PhD thesis is to understand how a fire behaves inside a compartment made of timber. The work will contribute towards better fire engineering design of tall timber in the UK and worldwide. The method of research will be based on computational modelling of fire phenomena in combination with artificial intelligence.

Innovative wood product like cross-laminated timber are revolutionizing the construction industry. However, all wood products are flammable to a degree and therefore fire engineering is required for safe design. The results of this PhD thesis can help to unlock timber’s potential as a construction materials leading to safer, more efficient, and more sustainable construction of high-rise buildings.

The student will join Imperial Hazelab, the multidisciplinary research group led by Prof Guillermo Rein, part of the Thermofluids Division in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. The purpose of the group is to reduce the worldwide burden of accidental fires and protect people, their property, and the environment. 

More about Imperial Hazelab: Visit our website Imperial Hazelab, watch the promotional video, and browse through our research papers.

If interested in this opportunity, you would be an enthusiastic person who believes in the power of engineering to deliver a better world and who wants to work in the heart of London. You would have a degree in engineering, and an rigorous approach to science. Good knowledge in heat transfer and computational methods are essential. Good team-working and communication skills are essential as well. Knowledge in fire science and timber are desired but not essential prior the project.
Candidates should fulfil the residence requirements of EPSRC for stipend and fees (UK citizens or long term resident). You can check your eligibility here.

For further details of the PhD studentship, contact Prof Guillermo Rein. Position open until filled.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Join Imperial Hazelab: Research Associate investigating fire and polymer composites used in airplanes

Applications are invited for a Research Associate in the field of fire science and engineering at Imperial College London, UK.

The Research Associates will join Imperial Hazelab, the multidisciplinary research group led by Prof Guillermo Rein, part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. The purpose of Hazelab is to reduce the worldwide burden of accidental fires and protect people, their property, and the environment. To do so, Hazelab studies computationally and experimentally heat transfer processes, condensed-phase chemistry and fluid dynamics of all types of fires.

We recently obtained industrial funding for a new project called DAEDALUS funded by Innovate UK which, in close collaboration with the London firm FAC Technology, will study fire and the polymer composites used in airplanes. FAC Technology is a leading-edge R&D firm focused on the design, testing and manufacturing of composite structures. As such, we are looking to hire a Research Associate to assist in our research which will ultimately boost our understanding of ignition and fire safety for composite materials.

More about us: Visit our website Imperial Hazelab, watch the promotional video, and browse through our research papers.

Requirements: If interested in this opportunity, you will be an enthusiastic person who believes in the power of engineering to deliver a better world and who wants to work in the heart of London. You will have MEng, MSc or PhD degrees in engineering or physics, and an inquiring and rigorous approach to science and engineering. Good knowledge in heat transfer and fire are essential. Good team-working and communication skills are essential as well. National and overseas are candidates welcome.
How to apply: Follow this link.

Closing date: 24 Nov 2019

Queries relating to the position should be directed to Prof Guillermo Rein at or +44(0) 20 7594 7036.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Imperial Hazelab is hiring Research Associates in fire science. Join us.

Applications are invited for several Research Associates in the field of fire science and engineering at Imperial College London, UK.

The Research Associates will join Imperial Hazelab, the multidisciplinary research group led by Prof Guillermo Rein, part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. The purpose of Hazelab is to reduce the worldwide burden of accidental fires and protect people, their property, and the environment. To do so, Hazelab studies computationally and experimentally heat transfer processes, condensed-phase chemistry and fluid dynamics of all types of fires.

Life in Hazelab, sometimes.

First two RA positions on peat fires are now open here (deadline 29 Aug). The incoming other three RA positions will open soon and are:

- international round-robin of large scale tests of facades in fire.
- computational study of facades fires.
- computational and experimental study of polymer flammability for the aeronautical industry.

More about us: Visit our website Imperial Hazelab, watch the promotional video, and browse through our research papers.

Requirements: If interested in this opportunity, you will be an enthusiastic person who believes in the power of engineering to deliver a better world and who wants to work in the heart of London. You will have MEng, MSc or PhD degrees in engineering or physics, and an inquiring and rigorous approach to science and engineering. Good knowledge in heat transfer and fire are essential. Good team-working and communication skills are essential as well. Overseas candidates welcome.
Topics: There are several positions for experimental or modelling work in the topics of peat fires, facade fires and polymer flammability.

How to apply: Send CV or ask for further details by email to Prof Rein at

Closing date: 8 Sept 2019.